Proudly sponsored by
Kitchen Retailer of the Year
New Kitchen Retailer of the Year
Bathroom Designer of the Year:
project cost over £30,000
Rising Star of the Year
New Bathroom Retailer of the Year
Kitchen Designer of the Year:
project cost up to £30,000
Special Achievement Award
Bathroom Designer of the Year:
project cost up to £15,000
Kitchen Showroom of the Year
Supplier Team of the Year
Kitchen Designer of the Year:
project cost £30,000-£50,000
Kitchen Designer of the Year:
project cost over £50,000
Bathroom Retailer of the Year
Installation Company of the Year
Bathroom Designer of the Year:
project cost £15,000-£30,000
Bathroom Showroom of the Year
Welcome to Blackpool Partner
Grand Prize Partner
Podcast Partner
Sustainability Partners
Sustainability Partners